Thursday, June 15, 2006

New Apostolic Order

New Apostolic Order

Elvis Iverson

We are a day of new apostolic order and a new church government. A new day of new wineskins and a day of new wines, the older church governments will not like the new church government. This church government is bringing birth from the heart of the Father, and it is giving through Jesus Christ, and we will receive this new government by the Holy Spirit.

Freedom: This new apostolic order is an order that bring freedom to the church, frees the human will to serve Christ. Frees the believer to walk in their gifts and calling, frees the minister to obey they calling without control. This freedom brings an end to the control of man and demons in the church.

Equipping the Saints: This new apostolic order is a government of the apostles, prophets, teacher, pastors and evangelists that their main purpose is to equipped the saints for the work of the ministry. The five-fold ministry only does 2% of the ministry and the believer does the other 98% of the ministry. The work of the ministry belongs to the common believer.

Five-Fold Ministry: This new apostolic order is a government where each of the five-fold Ministers have a place in the church, and a ministry in the church, instead of the one-man ministry.

A Group of elders: This new apostolic order is a government of a team or a group of elders, meaning not a one-man ministry, instead a ministry of the elders.

Apostles and Prophets are the Foundation: This new apostolic order is a government where apostles and prophets are the foundation, where apostles and prophets are the leading ministers, where the apostle is first and the prophet is second in order of church government.

The Gifts of the Spirit: This new apostolic order is a government where the church is build around the gifts of the Spirit and other gifts, where the believer have freedom to walk in the gifts of the Spirit, where there is a order of freedom for the gifts.

Discipleship: This new apostolic order is a government where young believers and babes in Christ are disciple into the basics and the elementary of the faith, so that they can grow and stand on their two own feet as Christians. It is a church government that focuses on maturity as a Christian, in your gifts, and in life.

The Meat of the Word: This new apostolic order is a government where they layout before the saints the meat of the Word, instead of only milk teachings. It is a church government where the lambs are cared and feed for properly, and where young men can become warriors through the meat of the Word, you can’t feed a church only on milk or gain, they need meat.

Mentoring and Fathering: This new apostolic order is a government where believers and office ministry are mentored and fathered into their gifts and ministries. This new government is a house of the fathers and a home to sons and daughters.

Believers have a ministry: This new apostolic order is a church where believers have a ministry, gifts, and a place for ministry. The church is a body ministry, instead of only the few.

No Four Walls: This new apostolic order is a church that is not based on a building, or four walls, instead the city and the city church. There may be local churches, homes churches, center meeting places and homes, but the people are the real church.

The City Church and the City: This new apostolic order is a church that has a vision for their city and the believers of the church of the city, and seeks to fellowship and become more as the city church.

Missionary minded Church: This new apostolic order is a church that has new ways of ministering to the nations, new methods that build the Christians in other nations, more then the name of their group.

House of prayer for all nations: This new apostolic order is a house of prayer for all nations. They believe in the power of prayer, and the ministry of prayer.

Signs and Wonders: This new apostolic order is a church government that believers in the power of God among all believers, in signs, and wonders, etc.

Deliverance Ministry: This new apostolic order is government that believers in casting out demons and that every believer has the power over demons and to set people free and that people can be free from demons, and sins, etc.

Workplace Ministers: This new apostolic order is a church that believers in the ministry of the workplace, they believe in the kingdom purpose of workplace, the marketplace and the purpose of businesspersons.

Grace Giving: This new apostolic order is a church that believers in power of grace giving, and moves forth in grace, faith, worship, and the seed that is giving to them to support the church. The financial system of this government is grace giving.

The End Time Church: This new apostolic order is a government that believers in the church of the future, the destiny of the church, that the church shall become a glorious church in the end times.

The City Church: This new apostolic order believers that the end time church where be the true city church as in the book of Acts, instead, better then Acts, and more mature then the beginning, meaning perfect.

Israel: This new apostolic order is rooted in the history of the church, meaning the first Christians were Jews, and that the church came from Jewish Apostles, we believe that the Lord will restore and bring an holy union between Israel, the Jewish people and the church.

The Kingdom of God: This new apostolic order believers in the Kingdom of God that came through Jesus seating at the Right of the Father and will fill the earth through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and come to finish of being established at His return.

Growing Church: This new apostolic order is a government that flows and changing by the Holy Spirit, and Word of God as they are molded into the Image of Christ, and enters into newer moves of God, to add and to change for the better, and for the glory of Christ.

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