In The Fire
Elvis Iverson
There are three lands, one is the land of the Apostolic Church, and the other is the land of Church History, the wilderness, and the land of Christendom. In the first vision, “Prisoners of Hope” we talk about how the land of Christendom is full of prisons and about those called to be rescuers in new prison minister of the Church.
I see a vision, in this vision I see this land where the Apostolic Church is being build. I see angels all over the place. Everywhere you turn you see an angel. I hear sounds of worship filling this land. I feel the presence of the Lord everywhere in this land. As I move toward the center of this land, the presence gets even more strong, that I have to rest for a moment even a while. Then a wonderful apostle came up to me, and said the presence of the Lord is with his people. In addition, he said there is grace upon and grace in us all. I then since the Spirit of grace moving through the hearts of many beside, the apostle said again look in the sky and see the wonderful grace of God. I looked and behold the manifold grace of God unfolding upon all his people in this land.
Then a wonderful prophet came up to me, and said we are all flames of fire look and see, and I looked around beholding many flames of fire, every where you look the people of God were walking flames of fire. Beside, the prophet said look at the boundaries of this holy land, and I behold a wall of living fire that protected this holy land. In addition, the prophet said this land keeps on increasing its territory.
Then this businessperson came up to me and said let me show you more of this land. I then saw cities being build through this land. Every city grows in number. I see apostles and prophets laying the foundations of these cities. I saw the gates of these cities, where I saw other apostles and prophets speaking words of impartation. I then see within these cities training center, and I see many of the Five-Fold Governmentally teaching and training. I see within the centers of these training center apostles and prophets teaching and training. Beside, I then saw big numbers of people in lager areas bring equipped by the Five-Fold Governmentally gifts. I see massive number of believers not only learning and being equipped but knowing their gifts in the Body.
Apart from that, another businessperson came to say let me show you that banks of our land. I saw these banks, very glorious and very big. I saw many saints bringing their seed and money in these banks. I see saints looking one way going in and coming out looking another way. There where many Floors in these banks. At the top floor there was a gate on each side. I then saw golden chariots flying to and from these banks. I would see these golden chariots fly to the nations and fly back to these banks. Beside, the businessperson said look at and see these other businesspersons coming and going from these banks, and I behold those who were faithful in their business and investments will be promoted to rule over cities and in cities.
Then I saw a pastor came up to me. He said praise the Lord, what a wonderful day it is! Then he said hear what I have to say, come to my city where I pastor a local church, and I behold many marketplace Christians walking in anointing and the gifts of the Spirit. Using their influence in the marketplace to change their city. Beside, the pastor said come and visit with me at the Local Church where I am the pastor. I behold many saints, many believers, and many gifted persons. I kept on seeing new faces coming in and being disciple. The sheep was begetting sheep. After that, I looked at that pastor, he begun to become younger since the first time I saw him. He said this is what happens when the believer does his ministry.
Apart from that, an evangelist stops by the local church to ask me to come along to his meeting tonight. He looked as a common man; he said I just got off work at 5pm now I am going to hold a meeting tonight. I went along, and I saw massive people in his meetings. I saw other Christians and ministers leading many to the Lord. He got up to preach his sermon. He preached none stop from four to five hours, and still had wind in him. Many people give their lives to the Lord. I saw healings all over the place. Wow, wow, Wow and wow! You would be saying the same if you were seeing this meeting. After the meeting we talk, and fellowship, it was a wonderful time. He said that he never been to Bible College, got saved five years ago begun to preach right away, enter into ministry two years ago. He said he study the Bible day and night, and the Lord give him a heart of anointed mercy and compassion, and begun to preach the Word, many begun to get saved right away. He then said he is a member of a local Church, where an Apostle connected to him and help him become apart of his network. In addition, these kinds of meetings happen over this land. There are a lot of evangelists like him; we are the modern day Ministry of Philip the Evangelist.
Apart from that, a wonderful teacher came by and she said, I would like to tell you something’s about my ministry, I said ok, let go! She and her husband showed there wonderful home, and wonderful garden they had. He said I am a pastor we have church in our home right now. As we grow we can get other places to hold our fellowship in. We then eat together. Then the wonderful teacher said, take a look at my teaching ministry. I then saw her office in their home. I saw a computer it was a very nice computer. She said I use the Internet as a tool to teach many in third world nations, that don’t have freedoms like we do here. I saw how many was on her list it was five thousand. She also had more then one listed. Somewhere there was sharing, and others where there was teamwork at hand. I then saw many other Internet ministries, some prophetic and apostolic their numbers were even grater then her own first listed. Moreover, I saw many more prophetic, and apostolic lists however, the prayer lists were the greatest in number.
Apart from that, an angel came to us. They said to us come along I want you to meet this young anointed teenager. We then came to his house and meet his father and mother who were his personal intercessors. The young teen said he has meeting once a week with his ministry team, we pray a lot. Then we go out and minister to many youth. I ask him how many youth you lead to Christ. He is one to two thousand. In addition, he said we now hold meeting at our youth center once a week. A few good leading businesspersons help me buy the building. I do belong to a local church that also has a wonderful youth ministry. In addition, I have a youth network of young anointed teen ages around the world. I am trying to teach them and impart to them to do the same. I use the Internet as a tool to connect my network together. When I give my life to Christ I was nine years old. When I was 11 Jesus visit me and called me to begin my ministry early. I begin to witness to my friends when I was 12 years old. Many begun to get saved very radically, and I disciple them along with those who aid it me in this ministry in addition, I train those called into this ministry to become apart of my team. I then ask him, how old are you? I am only 15 years old. When I become 18 years old, I will entrust this ministry to another, but will oversee this ministry through the board of trustees, as President and the executive will be the new youth leader, I will only deal with the board however, the new executive will be in change of all the ministry expect for the board. Beside, I will also be doing new ministry after I first fulfill this one.
Apart from that, a marketplace Apostle came to us, and said I would like to show you the many resource centers I have build around the world. So we all went with him and saw the mercy works he was doing. He was feeding and helping many day after day. Then we meet some of his friends who were also marketplace apostles, or leaders in the marketplace. They were doing likewise the same. Some were nation builders; some help only the cities they lived in. Some help and aid those who were planting churches. Their loves ones were very blessed to belong to such people of compassion. Beside, there will be a good number who will win the noble peace prize and even will be giving honor degrees. Then an angel stood before us, and said to me, now you must see the center of this land. I then said goodbye and thanked everyone I met.
The angel took me to the center, where I met an intercessor, she said hello nice to meet you. Let me show you the center of this land. I then saw great numbers of intercessors and believers, even ministers praying. In addition, I saw psalmists and minstrels worshiping God night and day moreover, I saw prophets giving prophetic words almost most of the time. Then the Lord stood before us and said, “I will bring together the intercession, the worship and the prophetic into one place. There will be massive prayer movements that have no end. Movements and visitations will become habitations of God in the Spirit. Although their will still be visitations and movements but now you will have habitations.” Then I saw the center of this land, where there was massive people praying unto God. Around a consuming pillar of Fire with a mighty cloud of glory hovering over the pillar of fire, then the intercessor said there would be prayer centers almost everywhere, also in every major city on the Earth.
Furthermore, this center place was fill of glory. Not only I can feel the glory, but see the glory. No one could minister to one another, only we could minister to the Lord, and one of the things that came out of this center place was the goodness of the Lord and his blessings to all the saints. I could see many ministering to the Lord for hours. I could see those fasting and praying to the Lord for many days.
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