Friday, April 18, 2008

The Thesis of the Third Reformation

The Thesis of the Third Reformation

Elvis Iverson

We have already enter into the Third Reformation of the Church, The New Apostolic Church is the church of the Third Reformation, and the New Apostolic Church will arise and fill the whole church, and some day in our future the whole church will be the apostolic church. The Third Reformation will touch all believers, and all churches, and all groups in Christianity. The Third Reformation will bring an end to the Christian Religion, and the church will stand as the Priesthood of the Kingdom apart from the Christian Religion, and the bond between the Church and the Kingdom of God will be establish once again, and we will see the glory of the Lord, for the Third Reformation is laying the foundation for many revivals, massive revivals, lasting revivals and the resting revival. –(Prov. 29:18)

In the third reformation many churches will come to an end, and many new apostolic congregations will be birth and rise up in every city of every nation around the world. In the third reformation many Christian groups will come to an end, and many new apostolic networks will be birth and rise up. In our cities, in many cities the new apostolic city church will arise a network of new apostolic congregations in a city. The foundation of the Church shall once again be apostles and prophets, the foundation of the city church shall once again be apostles and prophets, and apostles and prophets shall lead the church once again. –(Jer. 1:10)

The Holy Spirit spoke to me about five reformations throughout the Church history; The First was the reformation in the New Testament Church, the second was the Protestant Reformation, the Third Reformation, is the New Apostolic Reformation, that has already begun, it is our reformation in our times, and in the future there will be two more reformations after this one. The Fourth reformation is the Apostolic Church to the Mature City Church, which is the End Time Church, and the Fifth reformation will be from the End Time Church to the Eternal Bride. –(Heb. 9:10)

In this article I will share with you, the thesis of the Third Reformation, for in each reformation there was thesis, I am not saying that I know all of them on the contrary, I do know some of them, be prayerful, and be humble, allow the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the Word of God and the Thesis of the Third Reformation. –(Isa. 62:10)

The Thesis of the Third Reformation:

1. The Church is in the home, the church meetings are in the home, the equipping ministry is in a center gathering place, the pastoral ministry is in the church in the home, and the ministry of the apostles, prophets, and teachers are in the center gathering place.
2. All believers in Christ are priests, they have spiritual gifts, and a purpose, they have a ministry, and the believers are called to do the work of the ministry.
3. The Church is the Priesthood of the Kingdom, ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, and the Bride of Christ.
4. The Kingdom of God has begun at our Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection, ascension, and seated at the Right Hand of the Father. The Kingdom of God is coming through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit and the works of the saints, and the fullness of the Kingdom of God will come at the return of Christ.
5. The believers are called to be kings of the Kingdom of God, they are called to change and bring social transformation to our cities and nations around the world, and the apostles are called to rise up the kings of the Kingdom.
6. The future and destiny of the church shall be a church full of glory, a glorious church, and the church shall be a mature church, the church shall be a holy church, and the church shall be a united church.
7. The End times are a time of the glorious church, mature city church, healing of the nations, the oneness of Israel and the church, and preparation for the return of Christ.
8. The Jews rightful land is the nation of Israel, and that Jerusalem is the rightful capital of the nation of Israel.
9. The Torah, the Sabbath, and the Seven Feasts of the Lord are applicable to believers today.
10. The new apostolic congregation’s elders are plural; the leading elders are apostles, prophets, and teachers, with a set person leading the plural of elders.
11. The new apostolic congregation’s is an environment for spiritual maturity, spiritual gifts, gifts of the Spirit, and the work of the Ministry.
12. The Main purpose of the Five-Fold Ministry is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, and the saints are to do the work of the ministry.
13. There are modern day apostles and prophets, and apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church.
14. Grace Giving is biblical giving, in a new apostolic congregation, it is the Lord who gives us the seed and grace in order to give, and those who give are blessed in their giving, giving is an act of worship.
15. Spiritual gifts and the gifts of the Spirit are for today, every believer is to walk in spiritual gifts and gifts of the Spirit giving to them.
16. All believers can flow in prophecy, visions, dreams, signs, gifts the Spirit and the power of God.
17. The new apostolic congregation’s is an environment for spiritual maturity, discipleship, equipping, mentoring and fathering.
18. The new apostolic congregation’s is a house for the prophets, and Prophets are protected and welcome.
19. The new apostolic congregation’s is a missionary home base to the nations.
20. The new apostolic congregation’s is a place for compassion and mercy ministries and works.
21. The new apostolic congregation’s outreach is the marketplace, the workplace, and we support the church in the workplace.
22. The new apostolic congregation’s believes there is only one church in each city, and that the church is the city church, and we support the city church, and are a part of the new apostolic city church, and seeks to work with other churches in their city, and believes in the Body of Christ, and seeks and supports unity in the church.
23. The new apostolic congregation’s Church is a church of many people groups in Christ, and this is a church where women and Children are honor for their gifts and skills, and are not hinder. There is no age gap or gender gap, or race gap in the Apostolic Church.
24. The new apostolic congregation’s is a house of prayer for all nations and is a house of true worship according to the Tabernacle of David.
25. The new apostolic congregation’s is a church of deliverance, and casting out demons and healing the sick in the name of Jesus.
26. The new apostolic congregation’s believes in the common ground and common faith of all believers in Christ, and seeks to love and fellowship with all believers in Christ.

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