Sunday, August 20, 2006

Reformation HUB

Reformation HUB

Elvis Iverson

We have entered into the next great reformation of the Church. We are in the beginning part of this holy reformation of the church around the world. The Lord is rising up a reformation generation with a revival generation to come along side. This is both the day of reformation and revival however, without reformation we will not have lasting revivals that we are hoping and praying for. This reformation is the third reformation of the church, a reformation of the all of Christianity, Christendom, and the Church. –(Heb. 9:10)

The Third reformation has begun like a lamb, so it will become a lion, and then it will become a horse. Reformation has begun as a dove, and then it comes like a fire, and then it will become like a wind.

As we have been drinking the wine of reformation, we have been changing from inside and to the outside, as leaders our minds and then our worlds change, what we care about we no longer care about, what we are not willing to do without, we are not willing to do without.

The Reformation Hub will be the Internet, the Internet is a place for prayer, prophetic, fellowship and revelation. The reformers will use the Internet as a tool to connect and gather. There will be other certain places that will be used as a Reformation Hub. These are divine gathering places for a roundtable of reformers to fellowship. The Reformers that will be arising up will be ones who seek the fellowship of like-minded and other reformers to strengthen their divine purposed and holy stands for truth. They will use certain cities to gather and then use the Internet to keep in touch with one another and share ideals of reformation. –(Dan. 12:4)

The reformers that are going to arise will grow very fast in favor around the world. Some how there is an anointing for them to speak to the church at large. Some reformers will hold meeting together. These reformers will not have their own networks, but out of their teaching and preaching networks and groups will be formed. They will have their own fellowships of those who follow their teachings and preaching. They are ether apostles or prophets for; apostles and prophets are foundational, revelational, impartational, and reformational, revival, and social transformation. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

Some of the reformers will pastor churches, some will belong to other apostolic networks, and one thing is for sure they seek to fellowship with other reformers and formed a roundtable of fellowship like a holy club, in addition they seek to fellowship with other apostles and other prophets that are open to them, for they will be opened to them. –(Eph. 4:15)

The coming reformers will be hated by most leaders in the church around the world and hated by many in the church, servants of the Lord will feel lead to attack them on Sunday morning by doing so they aid in the fires of reformation and the reformers become even more famish, renown, and notoriety. They the teaching and preaching of the reformers many, many and many groups in the church will come to an end. As they teach and preach the fires of reformation will come out of their mouths, and there will be signs and wonders that will follow their teaching and preaching.

Their hearts will fill with such deep love of God for the Church, for believers around the world. Their eyes will be filled with tears of intercession over the church. Their teaching and preaching during their meeting will breakout in weeping and praying. –(Joel 2:12-17)

Out of the ministry of reformation will birth a new wave of evangelism. Evangelists will be rebirth in the church; the need for evangelism will be rebirth, finances will again become available to aid in the winning of the lost. New churches will arise; great many will come to know the Lord. Great numbers like never before will come to know the Lord. –(2 Tim. 4:5)

However, Christianity in America won’t survive another decade without a massive wave of evangelism. This generation of teens is the largest in history and the current trends show that only 4% will be evangelical believers by the time they become adults. Compare this with 34% of adults today who are evangelicals. We are on the verge of a catastrophe Imagine an America at 4%: church attendance dwindles, tithes and offerings are at an all time low, new church buildings sit empty, like giving sermons go unheard, and the role of a church leader becomes irrelevant. We must here the wake of call. Note: Statistics reference: Thorn S. Rainer, The Bridger Generation: America’s Second Largest Generation, what they believe, How to reach them. (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1997)

The church as we know will no longer be, this is the day of beginning reformation. What we call church will no longer be, a new a powerful church will arise; the Apostolic Church is the church of reformation. I am talking about the Apostolic Church that is being lead by Christ and the Holy Spirit; I am talking about the Apostolic Church that will fully obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

In an Apostolic Church there an apostle leading the church along with a group of elders, the church is build to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. 98% of the ministry is done outside of the church; the church in the workplace is the extended church, which is the church without walls. Every believer walks in spiritual gifts, the five-fold ministry is welcome in the apostolic house, the prophets and prophetic have a place of rest and favor in the apostolic house. It is a church that practices grace giving, freedom in giving, and freedom in heart to hear the Holy Spirit. It is a church that seeks the unity of the city church. –(Acts 11:27-30)

The end of this reformation will birth of the Kingdom Church, which is the City Church. The Apostolic Church will give birth to the Kingdom Church. The City Church is the church that will prepare the way for the return of Christ. The City Church is the mature and perfect church. –(1 Cor. 1:10)

Copyright © 2006 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, August 06, 2006

spirit of cessationism

spirit of cessationism

Elvis Iverson

The spirit of cessationism is under the department of Religion lead by the queen of heaven in the kingdom of darkness. Cessationism is a doctrine of demons and deceiving spirits; this doctrine says there is no power of God today, no divine healing, no miracles, signs and wonders, praying in the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and no apostles or prophets. We all know this is a big lie, however many believe this as gospel, this is a another gospel that is leading God’s people against the Holy Spirit,
His gifts and leads to sins against the Holy Spirit. –(Gal. 1:6-9)

Many have sin a sin against the Holy Spirit in their faith of pride in this doctrine of cessationism. This doctrine alone is one of the reasons that many Christian groups will come to an end. The Glory of the Lord is departing from many Christian groups, even Spirit filled groups for the reason they are standing in the way of the restoration of the body of Christ, the Church cannot be restore without the power of God or the fill restoration of the fullness of the power of God. The Glory of the Lord will rest upon the Apostolic Church, and the City Church. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

It is kind of funny here we have so-called Spirit filled groups that believe in speaking in the Holy Spirit but do not walk in the power of God, and keep their people from walking in the power of God. How many gifts have you seen among them, meaning among their members, not those in ministry. His mercy will not cover those things that do not follow after the Truth and the Spirit. –(Psa. 86:5)

It says in the last days perilous times will come, the church will have a form of godliness but denying it’s power. And such people turn away! People talk about an apostasy church in the future, however that church is in the past and still we are trying to overcome the apostasy church, and we are living in the day of the end of the apostasy church. It seem that Word says that those who deny the power of God will turn away from their supernatural relationship with Christ. This is so much the American Church today; we have a form of godliness with no power of God, for we have denied the power of God. –(2 Tim. 3:5)

The doctrine of cessationism is a sin, and it is a sin against the Holy Spirit. Why do I say this, this doctrine hinders mass numbers of the people of God from moving in the Holy Spirit and hinders the Holy Spirit in those so-called Christian groups! This is a sin of those Christian groups that don’t believe in the power of God is for today, these same groups have commit a sin against the Holy Spirit. –(1 Thess. 5:19)

There are layers of unbelief over our minds. They have been laid upon us from layer to layer from those who teach us from generation to generation against the power of God, and other false doctrines. It takes more faith to believe in something when most people around you don’t believe that God has shown you. It takes less faith if those around you believe in what God has showed you. Some of these layers are not believing in healing, not believing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, no believing in rising the dead, not believing in hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit, etc. –(MK. 6:5-6, Matt. 17:17, 20-21)

More and more a person reads the Holy Scriptures, seeks the face of God, and prayers the more the modern church will become contrary to them, and they will fine there is no place for them in the modern church. This is why the Lord is raising the Apostolic Church up around the world. The Apostolic Church is a place of reformation, a place of freedom for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and freedom to have faith in what God shows you in the Holy Scriptures. –(Rom. 9:1)

The width of the church is the marketplace church, the length of the church is the apostolic church, the depth of the church is the Koinonia church, and the height of the church is the city church. The Marketplace Church is being established and raised up they are a major part of the body of Christ around the world. In the long run they will find a more connecting with the Apostolic Church, for the marketplace Church is an extended church of the Apostolic Church. The Koinonia Church is the rest of the body of Christ we are love one another throughout the Church, we are to speak the Truth with love and understand that Lord is working with each one of us and it takes time, in His time; when preaching reformation don’t cut off any part in the body of Christ. The city church is the City Church that will birth from the Apostolic Church in the future, the Kingdom Church is in the end times is the City Church, the mature city church, right now the city church today will go through levels of growth and maturity to reach the day of the mature city church. –(Eph. 3:18)

Furthermore, the Lord is restoring the gospel of the demonstration of the Spirit and of power. The Church will not lack a spiritual gift, and you will not lack the power of God. We will know the fullness of the manifestation power of God in our time. –(1 Cor. 2:4-5, 4:20)

In conclusion: let us pray together: Father we pray let the fires of reformation fall upon each one of us with grace and love in humility. Let revival come to each one of us, and restore the power of God to each one of us, and lead and guide us in these special favorable times of the Spirit through the Holy Spirit that is in each one of us. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright © 2006 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Seven Works of Reformation

The Seven Works of Reformation

Elvis Iverson

We have entered into the beginning of the Third reformation of the church called the new apostolic reformation. We have entered into the beginning of end of many things in the church, and the beginning of many new things in the church.

This reformation will bring spiritual battles in the church and the minds of many Christians. These spirits will be taking out for the marking way of God’s blessings, favor, grace and power. Here are some evil spirits that taking out; spirit of cessationism, spirit of poverty, spirit of religion, spirit of witchcraft, spirit of Jezebel, spirit of Balaam, spirit of Absalom, spirit of Korah. Spirit of Leviathan, spirit of divination. This reformation is a holy war that will be won through much prayer and much fasting, then preaching, teaching, and above all love.

I believe there is seven stages/seven works in this third reformation of the church.

1. Foundation: Apostles and Prophets are laying the foundation and the foundations for reformation, transformation, and revival. Right now we are seeing the apostles arise laying foundation all over the church around the world. Much of the work that apostles are doing now can be sum up in one word foundation.
2. Great Grace and Great Power: there will be apostles that will arise by the working of the Holy Spirit that have been hidden from most eyes in the church. These apostles will come forth with great grace and great power and this great grace and great power will come upon the rest of the apostles and the church.
3. The Apostolic Church being established: Already we see the apostolic church arise in the earth, in it’s beginning steps but soon it will be establish has a powerful authority in the church around the world.
4. Massive Reformation: Reformation will come to the rest of the Church and to any one who names the name of Christ, this massive reformation that takes hold of the hearts of the many believers in Christ.
5. Revival and Glory: Revivals will begin to break forth in cities around the world, revival glory will begin to break forth and arise in the church, and the glory of the Lord will begin to fill the church, and the healing of nations will begin.
6. The Church will come into oneness with Israel: all of Israel will be saved, revival will come to Israel, and revival will break forth in the Middle East. Jewish Apostles and Jewish Prophets will come into holy connect and fellowship with Gentile Apostles and Gentile Prophets.
7. The Great Commission: The Gentile nations will be harvested around the world. The Great Commission will be fulfilled.

Furthermore, The Apostolic Church will increase and fill the whole church around the world. Unity will grow and increase in the church around the world. The Apostolic Church will give birth to the Kingdom Church, which the city church in every city of every nation around the world. Today’s city church will grow into each growth level until the mature City Church arises in the earth and from that time we will enter into the day of the end time church.

Copyright © 2006 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved