Sunday, August 20, 2006

Reformation HUB

Reformation HUB

Elvis Iverson

We have entered into the next great reformation of the Church. We are in the beginning part of this holy reformation of the church around the world. The Lord is rising up a reformation generation with a revival generation to come along side. This is both the day of reformation and revival however, without reformation we will not have lasting revivals that we are hoping and praying for. This reformation is the third reformation of the church, a reformation of the all of Christianity, Christendom, and the Church. –(Heb. 9:10)

The Third reformation has begun like a lamb, so it will become a lion, and then it will become a horse. Reformation has begun as a dove, and then it comes like a fire, and then it will become like a wind.

As we have been drinking the wine of reformation, we have been changing from inside and to the outside, as leaders our minds and then our worlds change, what we care about we no longer care about, what we are not willing to do without, we are not willing to do without.

The Reformation Hub will be the Internet, the Internet is a place for prayer, prophetic, fellowship and revelation. The reformers will use the Internet as a tool to connect and gather. There will be other certain places that will be used as a Reformation Hub. These are divine gathering places for a roundtable of reformers to fellowship. The Reformers that will be arising up will be ones who seek the fellowship of like-minded and other reformers to strengthen their divine purposed and holy stands for truth. They will use certain cities to gather and then use the Internet to keep in touch with one another and share ideals of reformation. –(Dan. 12:4)

The reformers that are going to arise will grow very fast in favor around the world. Some how there is an anointing for them to speak to the church at large. Some reformers will hold meeting together. These reformers will not have their own networks, but out of their teaching and preaching networks and groups will be formed. They will have their own fellowships of those who follow their teachings and preaching. They are ether apostles or prophets for; apostles and prophets are foundational, revelational, impartational, and reformational, revival, and social transformation. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

Some of the reformers will pastor churches, some will belong to other apostolic networks, and one thing is for sure they seek to fellowship with other reformers and formed a roundtable of fellowship like a holy club, in addition they seek to fellowship with other apostles and other prophets that are open to them, for they will be opened to them. –(Eph. 4:15)

The coming reformers will be hated by most leaders in the church around the world and hated by many in the church, servants of the Lord will feel lead to attack them on Sunday morning by doing so they aid in the fires of reformation and the reformers become even more famish, renown, and notoriety. They the teaching and preaching of the reformers many, many and many groups in the church will come to an end. As they teach and preach the fires of reformation will come out of their mouths, and there will be signs and wonders that will follow their teaching and preaching.

Their hearts will fill with such deep love of God for the Church, for believers around the world. Their eyes will be filled with tears of intercession over the church. Their teaching and preaching during their meeting will breakout in weeping and praying. –(Joel 2:12-17)

Out of the ministry of reformation will birth a new wave of evangelism. Evangelists will be rebirth in the church; the need for evangelism will be rebirth, finances will again become available to aid in the winning of the lost. New churches will arise; great many will come to know the Lord. Great numbers like never before will come to know the Lord. –(2 Tim. 4:5)

However, Christianity in America won’t survive another decade without a massive wave of evangelism. This generation of teens is the largest in history and the current trends show that only 4% will be evangelical believers by the time they become adults. Compare this with 34% of adults today who are evangelicals. We are on the verge of a catastrophe Imagine an America at 4%: church attendance dwindles, tithes and offerings are at an all time low, new church buildings sit empty, like giving sermons go unheard, and the role of a church leader becomes irrelevant. We must here the wake of call. Note: Statistics reference: Thorn S. Rainer, The Bridger Generation: America’s Second Largest Generation, what they believe, How to reach them. (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1997)

The church as we know will no longer be, this is the day of beginning reformation. What we call church will no longer be, a new a powerful church will arise; the Apostolic Church is the church of reformation. I am talking about the Apostolic Church that is being lead by Christ and the Holy Spirit; I am talking about the Apostolic Church that will fully obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

In an Apostolic Church there an apostle leading the church along with a group of elders, the church is build to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. 98% of the ministry is done outside of the church; the church in the workplace is the extended church, which is the church without walls. Every believer walks in spiritual gifts, the five-fold ministry is welcome in the apostolic house, the prophets and prophetic have a place of rest and favor in the apostolic house. It is a church that practices grace giving, freedom in giving, and freedom in heart to hear the Holy Spirit. It is a church that seeks the unity of the city church. –(Acts 11:27-30)

The end of this reformation will birth of the Kingdom Church, which is the City Church. The Apostolic Church will give birth to the Kingdom Church. The City Church is the church that will prepare the way for the return of Christ. The City Church is the mature and perfect church. –(1 Cor. 1:10)

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