Understanding The Moves of God
Elvis Iverson
We have entered into the beginning days of the many moves of God. There will be many moves of God at one time, and we will never be without a move of God again. We want God to move around in the church and upon the earth. There will be revivals in every nation on earth, and revival will rest upon the city church in cities around the world, and the church will be full of revivals. –(Joel 2:28)
Understanding the moves of God:
1. Restoration moves of God: these are restoration of truths, gifts, ministries, graces, etc throughout the History of the Church. –(Acts 3:21)
2. Reformation moves of God: Reformation is being reformed to the Image of Christ, reformation is more for the Church, and they’re have been min reformations but there are been major reformations. –(Heb. 9:10)
3. Visitation revivals Moves of God: These revivals that come to impart, bring growth, change, and add to the Church, they come and go. Revival is the manifestation of the glory of the Lord in the Church to the world. –(Isa. 64:1-4)
4. Habitational Revivals: There are revivals that rest upon the city church in certain cities. –(Eph. 2:20)
5. Manifestation Revivals: These are a manifestation that happens through the gifts of the Spirit coming in an extreme manifestation of the Spirit in a short time. –(1 Cor. 12:7)
6. Harvests: These are moves of God that lead massive numbers, great numbers to Christ, these are always happening at certain times in nations around the world. –(Jn. 4:35-38, Matt. 9:37-38)
7. Renew or refreshing moves of God: These are moves of God that come to renew or refreshing the works and saints that are already build into older wineskins, etc. –(Acts 3:19)
8. Explosive moves of God: these are moves of God that are the wheel in the wheel such as mass missionary movements, etc. –(Dan. 11:32, Acts 8:1,11:19)
9. Outpourings moves of God: these are moves of God that touch the whole Church, etc. –(Acts 2:17-18, Zech. 12:10)
10. Transformation Moves of God: these are moves of God that come to communities, cities, regions, nations, and the world. It is called social transformation. 2 Cor. 7:14)
Note: There are other moves of God.
What moves of God that is coming or have begun? We will see a restoration of signs and wonders among the believers, a restoration of great grace and great power for the apostles, and the restoration of the church in the workplace, we have enter into the next great reformation, a massive reformation of the Church, called the third reformation of the church, the new apostolic reformation. We are preparing the many Visitation revivals and social transformation of the cities and Habitational Revival upon the city church, the mass harvests will come to many nations around the world, an outpouring of prayer, revelation, prophecy, visions, and dreams upon the church.
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