Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Seven Works of Reformation

The Seven Works of Reformation

Elvis Iverson

We have entered into the beginning of the Third reformation of the church called the new apostolic reformation. We have entered into the beginning of end of many things in the church, and the beginning of many new things in the church.

This reformation will bring spiritual battles in the church and the minds of many Christians. These spirits will be taking out for the marking way of God’s blessings, favor, grace and power. Here are some evil spirits that taking out; spirit of cessationism, spirit of poverty, spirit of religion, spirit of witchcraft, spirit of Jezebel, spirit of Balaam, spirit of Absalom, spirit of Korah. Spirit of Leviathan, spirit of divination. This reformation is a holy war that will be won through much prayer and much fasting, then preaching, teaching, and above all love.

I believe there is seven stages/seven works in this third reformation of the church.

1. Foundation: Apostles and Prophets are laying the foundation and the foundations for reformation, transformation, and revival. Right now we are seeing the apostles arise laying foundation all over the church around the world. Much of the work that apostles are doing now can be sum up in one word foundation.
2. Great Grace and Great Power: there will be apostles that will arise by the working of the Holy Spirit that have been hidden from most eyes in the church. These apostles will come forth with great grace and great power and this great grace and great power will come upon the rest of the apostles and the church.
3. The Apostolic Church being established: Already we see the apostolic church arise in the earth, in it’s beginning steps but soon it will be establish has a powerful authority in the church around the world.
4. Massive Reformation: Reformation will come to the rest of the Church and to any one who names the name of Christ, this massive reformation that takes hold of the hearts of the many believers in Christ.
5. Revival and Glory: Revivals will begin to break forth in cities around the world, revival glory will begin to break forth and arise in the church, and the glory of the Lord will begin to fill the church, and the healing of nations will begin.
6. The Church will come into oneness with Israel: all of Israel will be saved, revival will come to Israel, and revival will break forth in the Middle East. Jewish Apostles and Jewish Prophets will come into holy connect and fellowship with Gentile Apostles and Gentile Prophets.
7. The Great Commission: The Gentile nations will be harvested around the world. The Great Commission will be fulfilled.

Furthermore, The Apostolic Church will increase and fill the whole church around the world. Unity will grow and increase in the church around the world. The Apostolic Church will give birth to the Kingdom Church, which the city church in every city of every nation around the world. Today’s city church will grow into each growth level until the mature City Church arises in the earth and from that time we will enter into the day of the end time church.

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