Friday, August 01, 2008

Reformation Spectrum

Reformation Spectrum

Elvis Iverson

The fires of reformation will be outpoured around the world upon the church, this is the day of great reformation in the church, and there is no comparing with the last reformation, this is the third reformation of the Church, the reformation of the whole church, and the reformation of all things in the church. This reformation will lay the foundation for revivals, many revivals, revival movements, lasting revivals, massive revivals, and resting revivals and the revival life. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

The Lord is bring connections together throughout the church He is establishing apostolic spectrums, prophetic spectrums, revival spectrums, healing spectrums, deliverance spectrums, and reformation spectrums, etc. these spectrums are not just for sharing of information, instead for fellowship and relationship. –(Acts 15:5)

The Lord has shown me that He is rising up a company around the world for reformers; this company is not a huge company it is a company of a certain number, however the Lord shown me that He is raising up a revivalists company that is more then the company of reformers. –(Rev. 4,5)

The company of reformers will not agree on every thing, however those things that they agree upon the church will be built upon. In addition, these reformers will have the Spirit of reformation, a river and anointing from the Holy Spirit. They will seek to grow in relationship and fellowship with each reformer, and with one another in the fires of reformation. –(Matt. 3:8-12)

The Spirit of Reformation is truth, grace, love, meekness, and patience. The Spirit of Reformation is not hate, is not pride, is not forceful, is not controlling, is not legalism, and is not religious. –(Jn. 1:14,16,17, Eph. 4:15, Col. 4:6, 1 Pet. 3:15)

The Lord will establish a reformation spectrum between the reformers; this spectrum is a connection of community, continuity, continuum, composition, communication of reformation truth and vision with relationship building and on going fellowship in grace, truth, love and humility. –(Matt. 19:28)

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