Saturday, June 17, 2006

Secret Sins

Secret Sins

Elvis Iverson

It is easy to see the sins are that visible to our eyes and minds. It is easy to point our fingers at sins that we see. It is easy to say we are better then those who commit sins that are visible to our eyes and minds. Sometime it pleases us to see people fail in their ways so that we feel that we are more holy and more righteous then they.

However, we have forgotten the sins of the heart, the secret sins. These are secret not that these sins are done in secret, instead these are secret from the eyes of those who commit such sins; sins such as pride, envy, religion, hate, hypocrisy, self-rightness, and lusts for power; It is the sins of impure motives.

Those who walk in these sins walk in a greater darkness then those to commit the sins that are visible. They have a
greater spiritual darkness for they think they know the truth, instead there truth is apart from the true light of Christ.

These who walk in secret sins call things sins that not sins, and makes things sins. This is all apart of there religious idolatry. Thus they are giving over to evil spirits, and as they obey them, they are then sealed into their darkness for the day they will be judge for their sins of the heart.

There is no true repentance in them, and when they repent it is just a religious format, and has not heavenly values. It takes the Holy Spirit to work upon their hearts. If these ones repent and turn from their evil ways there will be revival.

However, Those who walk in these secret sins will be the very ones who will fight the Holy Spirit, the apostles and prophets and the coming moves of God. The sin of religion leads to the sins against the Holy Spirit. This is why these who commit such sins of the heart are always near the judgment of the Lord and are far from the mercy of the Lord. One thing is for sure is that the Lord has more mercy upon those who make mistakes, those who are trying to overcome, and those who are just living in sin, instead the Lord shows no mercy to those who are hypocrisy.

But thanks be to the Lord that through His love He works in the hearts of believers and even those who are true believers and have become hypocrisy. He works through His love and through the working of the Holy Spirit, a work of grace that a believer who becomes hypocrisy can come to true repentance in His time.

The sin of religion will progress to the sin of hypocrisy, for the full born sin of religion is the sin of religious hypocrisy. However, the blood of Christ is greater then both of these sins, and both of these by the Blood of Christ and through the Holy Spirit a person can be set free from both of these sins and come to true repentance in His time.

Apart from that, today we don’t hear much preaching against sin, and we don’t hear much of what is sin. In order for us to be truly set free we must know what is sin. But how much more is the need to know the power of the power of Jesus Christ and His grace to live a holy life?

Those who walk in visible sins can be set free. There are those who sin and make mistakes, then there are those are trying to overcome sins and then there are those who just living a life of sin, and love it. Sin can become a characteristic, when we go from transgression to iniquity. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Blood of Christ to be set free from iniquity sins, which are habitude and addictive.

It is the Lord will to clean and restore us. It is the will of Christ that we live a holy life. This is by the help of the Holy Spirit in our life and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and faith in the Word of God. Although we may make mistake from time to time again, then we can come to the cleansing blood of Christ. Even through we are set free from sin through the Blood of Christ we are not prefect and we will still make mistakes. We are only prefect in Christ.

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